Wednesday, December 2, 2009

HTML 5 – Are We “REALLY” There Yet?

It doesn’t seem so, particularly after HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson’s interview in which he evokes that HTML5 will reach its final stages sometime in 2022, which makes 13 years from now!

I’m doubtful if this is even a real life statement made by its originator or is it just a plain joke to play on the ever-changing world of web. We don’t even know if by 13 years from now the name would still be HTML, least we start talking about its innovation and additional features! I was reading Jeff Croft, and loved the statement where he says: I care about right fucking now. My clients care about right fucking now. Our users care about right fucking now. The only people that really give a damn about two thousand twenty two are people who write timetables for a living.” The one thing he brings about here is to focus on specs and technologies supported by the browsers real people use, not some upcoming tales that are yet to come!

But this remains a fact that however hard we try to ignore, HTML 5 certainly has something in it for us to talk about. No matter they say it’ll release by 2022, but inside our instincts pinch us that it’ll be out and workable soon. That is why the major browsers like Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox already support HTML 5, and many serious designers and developers are anxious to dig in their hands and get the most out of the information available on HTML 5. HTML 5 defines the fifth major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML. It’s more of an innovation than an invention, and therefore, it shouldn’t take much time to come to the fore.

For me, HTML 5 might turn into one of the most long awaited event in the history of web design! Now should we just wait and watch for the Show time to begin, or should we try and bring the change now rather than waiting for all these years? What have you to say? Please leave in your valuable feedback.

1 comment:

  1. "HTML5 might turn into one of the most long awaited event in the history of web design!"
    lol...well said :D


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